About me
Welcome to my weblog. I am a Yorkshireman living in Leeds, West Yorkshire.
This blog is about the ups and downs, and the nears and fars of my life. It is not a source of knowledge or wisdom; it is just a source of experience, opinion and occasionally some cynicism. Perhaps “occasionally” is the wrong word, though.
I have a dog, Maisie, who is 11 years old or, in dog years, in her 70s. I’m 378 years old or, in human years, in my 50s. I fill my time with photography, graphic design, web design and composing very bad music.
About this site
I began blogging in 1996, back when I was thirty and the word “blog”, or even “web log”, had yet to be born. My blogs have all fallen by the wayside, as such things often do, domains expired and content long lost. Such was the nature of the internet at one time. Nothing in the ether was permanent.
This is the latest iteration of my blog and the first to use a content management system not coded by me personally from the ground up. This one too may fall by the wayside, as all previous have. I am not promising anything. I’m fickle. As fickle as they come.
My website is mainly about my photographic journey and it features content and images created by me. I have developed the site to be “responsive”, so that it functions on desktops, tablets and mobile devices. However, while it is accessible on all platforms, I have focused unapologetically on designing for the desktop environment because this platform’s resolution is the one at which I feel my work is best viewed.